We’re excited to roll out a brand new feature called What I Got Wednesday — where we share some of the best savings submitted to us by readers!
This Week’s Savings Spotlight: Katy’s Amazing Savings on Homeschool Curriculum!
Check out the deal Katy scored on school books!
“When I went to order homeschool curriculum, I made sure to check eBay first. While I didn’t find everything I wanted there, I’m still glad I looked, because I found two of the complete course book sets that I needed! The Saxon math set usually sells new for $102.95. I paid $51.78, for a savings of $51.17! Then I found the complete language arts set I needed for my other child. While it usually sells for $102, I spent $50.67, saving me $51.33! Total I saved $102.11! That’s almost 50% savings! Just make sure to check that the books are complete and not written in before purchasing.”
More Reader Savings From This Week!
We had a couple of other great submissions from readers who scored great deals. Check them out below!
Pam got a great deal on bamboo organizers:
“I got the deal on the bamboo organizers from Walmart. I paid $8.04 for a pack of two medium ones. Saved over $35!”
Vicki also got the deal on bamboo organizers:
“I had been looking for bamboo storage containers as I work to declutter and organize my home (with the help of Amber and Amanda, two amazing ladies who run an organizational company here in Phoenix). Imagine my glee when I saw the deal last week where two bamboo containers were $6.72. It seemed too good to be true. Nope. It’s true! My packages arrived today! Yes, packages plural. I bought eight sets.”
Thank you so much to these readers for sharing your savings with our community! How inspiring!!
Want To Be Featured?
Want to submit your savings for a chance to be featured? Simply go HERE and fill out the form! Each week, we’ll pick a few of the best submissions to be featured.
(And we might even throw in a fun little surprise for you if you’re picked! Free coffee, anyone?!)